Zero Waste Shampoo: Beauty Kubes
A new approach to plastic free packaging for shampoo, Beauty Kubes are a fresh new alternative which are zero waste.

Plastic Free living: 5 linen bags that are worth their weight in golden flax
5 gorgeous shopping bags made from eco friendly linen, a charming alternative to plastic shopping bags.

The plastic-free beauty products I use everyday

Simple Ways To Reduce Single-Use Plastic When Travelling
Being on holiday can certainly make it trickier to avoid single-use plastics. This is something I definitely find. But with a little bit of organisation and forethought, it can still be quite simple to save a whole lot of plastic..

How To Wash Your Dishes Sustainably: Plastic-Free Dish Brushes
Eco-friendly, plastic-free and biodegradable alternatives to plastic dish clothes, sponges and brushes.

Where To Shop Plastic Free, Wholefoods in Melbourne
A few of our favourite stores in Melbourne for package-free, organic wholefoods. They also stock natural beauty and eco cleaning products.

Plastic Free Beauty : shampoo & conditioner bars

Can we do better? : Beach Couture : A Haute Mess

Plastic Free : ditch the soap bottle and try these soap dishes instead

Plastic Free July Recipe Ideas
Attempting to give up or limit single-use plastic during Plastic Free July can have its challenges. Here are some recipe ideas for meals you can make without ingredients packaged in plastic.

Getting Ready for Plastic Free July : what we're doing this year

The Ocean Has a Patch of Plastic That's 3 Times The Size of France, And It's Growing
Just think about that. 3 Frances all lined up next to each other. That's the size of a patch of plastic (the Great Pacific Garbage Patch) that's currently floating together in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Scientists of The Ocean Cleanup Foundation have recently conducted the most extensive analysis ever of this area, and here's what they found..

Plastic Free Living :: Toothpaste
Stop Sucking: Ditch Straws to Save Our Oceans
The ocean is a beautiful and breathtakingly brilliant thing. But it needs our help. BADLY.
Here's one super simple thing you can do.

Plastic Free Beauty Products

The return of the Tiffin: an eco friendly way to carry your lunch

Our Month Without Plastic: Half-Way Reflections
As part of Plastic Free July, we've pledged to avoid purchasing single-use plastics this month. It's actually been a lot easier than we were expecting. Strangely, it's fun - almost a game where we high 5 each other whenever we find a new alternative to a plastic-wrapped product we would have used before.
#WarOnWaste #WarOnWasteAU

{Plastic Free July} : the top 4 things you can do

Getting Ready For Plastic Free July