Where To Shop Plastic Free, Wholefoods in Melbourne
A few of our favourite stores in Melbourne for package-free, organic wholefoods. They also stock natural beauty and eco cleaning products.

Plastic Free Beauty : shampoo & conditioner bars

Plastic Free July Recipe Ideas
Attempting to give up or limit single-use plastic during Plastic Free July can have its challenges. Here are some recipe ideas for meals you can make without ingredients packaged in plastic.

The return of the Tiffin: an eco friendly way to carry your lunch

Our Month Without Plastic: Half-Way Reflections
As part of Plastic Free July, we've pledged to avoid purchasing single-use plastics this month. It's actually been a lot easier than we were expecting. Strangely, it's fun - almost a game where we high 5 each other whenever we find a new alternative to a plastic-wrapped product we would have used before.
#WarOnWaste #WarOnWasteAU

{Plastic Free July} : the top 4 things you can do