Who is the Future King & Queen?
It is you. And me. All individuals.
By being mindful of what we buy, what we eat, and which companies we support, we all wield the influence of a King & a Queen.
Every choice we make as consumers holds the potential to shape our future world. A future world could be one where compassion reigns, sustainability thrives, and our planet flourishes — depending on the choices we make today.
Our everyday decisions are not merely transactions; they are statements of our beliefs. Choosing plant-based options not only nurtures our bodies but also sends a powerful message of care for the environment and animal welfare. Supporting brands that prioritise ethical practices reinforces our commitment to a fair and just society.
In every meal prepared, in every garment worn, and in every product used, we have the opportunity to foster positive change. By embracing a vegan lifestyle, opting for sustainable fashion, and choosing eco-friendly products, we collectively pave the way for a brighter future.
Through our conscious consumption, we can inspire others. It is a journey we embark on as individuals, but our combined efforts echo powerfully, echoing the impact of Kings & Queens in the realm of sustainability and compassion.
Who writes the content?
Future King & Queen is written by a mother-daughter team on opposite sides of the world. One in Melbourne, Australia and one in London, England. We’ve both been vegan for over ten years, and when we began on the journey, we found there wasn’t a lot of information available, so we had to work out how to veganise our favourite recipes. It’s very different now, which is terrific. But we still prefer to cook foods which are whole-foods based, that taste delicious, and that celebrate plants as the star ingredients.
I’m not vegan, but want to cook some more plant-based recipes. Are your recipes suitable?
We only publish recipes which have been taste-tested by friends and family first, to make sure that they ‘pass the pub test’ - to use an Australian saying. Or in other words, that they are delicious in their own right. Because lets face it, if it’s not delicious, it’s less likely to be eaten. But we’re also keen to cook dishes which are more nourishing than traditional versions, so you will find a lot of wholefood ingredients here like wholemeal flour, extra virgin olive oil and so on. But we always try to balance that out with big flavour and great texture, so it’s a win-win.
How do you classify fashion brands as being ‘ethical’?
There are so many ways to do this, and we have found a lot of greenwashing over the years that we have been writing and editing this platform. However, for our own classification, we are looking for brands which adhere to the following practices:
produce vegan items
no animal testing procedures
provide a safe workplace
pay a fair wage
treat staff fairly
minimise carbon footprint
are constantly looking to improve on the above
“We believe our daily food, fashion and lifestyle choices do literally create the world we want to live in.
So it’s not hard to see that we do actually have the power of a King or a Queen..”
— the editors.