This Do-Good Brand Wants You To Own A Part Of Them: Bhumi Equity Crowdfunding
There really are some wonderful brands out there working to clean up the fashion industry, and to have a positive impact on the world.
Melbourne-based Bhumi certainly fit this bill. After witnessing firsthand the enormous amount of harm done to workers and the environment in fast fashion and textile supply chains, the founders were inspired to create a brand that does things better.
Now, they want you be a part of their story.

Can we do better? : Beach Couture : A Haute Mess

Lowdown on the Berlin Ethical Fashion Show 2018
From 3-5th July 2018, the Berlin Ethical Fashion Show will see the city host a series of talks, screenings, workshops, fashion shows and networking events, all centred around ethical and sustainable fashion.
Here are a few exciting events and brands to look out for..

The Ocean Has a Patch of Plastic That's 3 Times The Size of France, And It's Growing
Just think about that. 3 Frances all lined up next to each other. That's the size of a patch of plastic (the Great Pacific Garbage Patch) that's currently floating together in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Scientists of The Ocean Cleanup Foundation have recently conducted the most extensive analysis ever of this area, and here's what they found..

Indoor Plants to make you happier?
Stop Sucking: Ditch Straws to Save Our Oceans
The ocean is a beautiful and breathtakingly brilliant thing. But it needs our help. BADLY.
Here's one super simple thing you can do.
7 New Year's Resolutions to Keep in 2017
Simple, but valuable resolutions to set yourself for the new year..

Ethical Living : Weekly Thoughts
Discovering a locally blended Fair Trade organic tea, confirmation of birds' complex emotional intelligence, and pondering if the reliance of meat in the Neanderthal's diet lead to their demise, are on our radar this week.
Ethical Living : weekly thoughts
This week we're learning about vegan alternatives to silk, discovering an accessories brand which makes its bags in LA from 100% recycled materials, and confirming what we suspected all along: that eating fruits and vegetables can actually increase your happiness.

How To Have A More Ethical Wardrobe
Did you know that the fashion industry is the world's second largest polluter? (Right behind the oil industry).
Pretty crazy hey! After we watched The True Cost Movie last year, and learnt of the massive environmental and ethical impacts of the modern fast fashion industry, we knew our buying habits had to change.
Here are some simple ways you can build a wardrobe that is more ethical in terms of treatment of workers, animals and the environment.

Conscious Living :: What's on the Radar This Week? House Plants!
With the cosy August days getting slightly longer, there's a promise of spring in the air. So we're starting to think about how we might style up our home to include a few more plants, because when it comes to plants, more is always a good idea. They clean the air, soften the visual atmosphere, and we secretly think they make everybody happier too...

Thoughtful things to read this week
A Hint of Danger in the Forest, a radically new way of looking at cancer, chic vegan bags go mainstream in a recommendation by Vogue of top bags, and questioning if Solar Passive Design actually works.