10 Simple Ways To Ditch Plastic In Your Kitchen
Plastic seems to have wriggled its way into nearly everything nowadays, whether it's as packaging or as the end product.
Here are some easy ways to cut down on it in your kitchen (and they'll also save you money and benefit your health).
If you're hunting for Christmas gifts which encourage a minimum-waste lifestyle, perhaps these items may be a a very welcome surprise under the Christmas tree - because they are made to last, bringing many years of joy & practical use to the new owner, as well as being ethically produced.
10 Ethical Christmas Gift Ideas: A Last Minute Guide
This Christmas we're thinking about gifts that people will actually love and find useful. Here are some ideas..
Meat Free Week : goals to decrease bowel cancer
"Let food by thy medicine, and medicine by thy food" wrote Hippocrates almost 2500 years ago. Ok, so it's taken us a while to work this out, but more and more research is focussing on the importance of a healthy diet to a healthy body - and reducing meat consumption is one of those elements. This week, (August 1 - 8) is Meat Free Week in Australia, and the event is sponsored by Bowel Cancer Australia, in a reminder about the link between diet and a healthy body. Here's a week of delicious recipe ideas which are long on flavour without a skerick of meat....
Eco Friendly Greeting Cards, Calendars + Stationary: Earth Greetings
Stationary which celebrates nature, and looks after it at the same time.
Gifts for a gardener
Finding eco friendly gifts for a garden lover is surprisingly easy....
How to ensure your coconuts weren't picked by a monkey
Calcium rich foods (dairy free!)
What's in your toothpaste? Toxic ingredients to avoid.
Sustainable Homewares // Made to Last and Made in the UK
Homewares built to last. What a pleasant change.