Melting Moments with Passionfruit Icing

Melting Moments are so aptly named, because the short, crumbly texture of the biscuit really does Melt in a Moment! 

Melting Moments are so aptly named, because the short, crumbly texture of the biscuit really does Melt in a Moment! 

Dairy-free // egg-free // vegan biscuits

These old-fashioned Australian biscuits are the stuff of happy childhood.

Melt-in-the-mouth shortbread sandwiched with a tangy passionfruit icing. 

They are a rich treat - not for everyday,

but wonderful for special occasions,

like afternoon tea.

But we wanted to veganise the traditional recipe, 

and have been experimenting to create a biscuit which 

avoids the use of dairy butter and eggs,

but still creates an incredibly short texture. 

So we were pretty stoked when we found this combination 

works a treat.

These biscuits are very fragile - so move them carefully as they will crumble easily. 

But the flip side of that is that they taste deliciously short,

which is exactly how a good Melting Moment should be:

a moment of meltingness


Vegan Melting Moments with Passionfruit Icing


1 cup self raising flour (we used stoneground wholemeal)

1 cup cornflour

1/2 cup (125 gms) vegan butter

1/2 cup (125 gms) refined coconut oil at room temperature

1/2 teaspoon ground vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

3 tablespoons icing sugar


1 cup raw icing sugar

1 teaspoon refined coconut oil

1 fresh passionfruit


  1. Pre-heat oven to 160 C degrees C.

  2. Cream vegan butter and coconut oil with sugar in a stand mixer until pale and fluffy.

  3. Add flour & vanilla and mix thoroughly.

  4. The mixture will be quite soft - so use a couple of teaspoons to place blobs on a paper-lined baking tray. (If using stainless steel trays, just oil them lightly, no need to line.)

  5. Bake in oven for approx 15-20 minutes or until light golden brown.

  6. Cool on a wire cooling tray.

  7. To make icing, combine coconut oil and raw icing sugar together. Add enough pulp & juice from a passionfruit to create a soft mixture. 

  8. Sandwich together with Passionfruit Butter Icing. Will keep for several days in an airtight tin - if no small children are about....



In this recipe, the flavour of the ingredients really shines through, 
so it's much better to use a really good quality vegan butter. 

We use a Tasmanian made version, Laud’s cultured oat butter, or Sydney made Blu vegan butter. Both of which are brilliant for baking. They are available from our beloved Apples & Sage organic grocery in Melbourne, and also Leo's Supermarkets across Melbourne.

Otherwise, use the very best cold-blend vegan butter you can find,
like Naturli or Earth Balance.


By Virginia

As the "mother" half of the Future King & Queen mother-daughter duo, Virginia is a Melbourne based designer who firmly believes that living kindly is a series of daily choices that we can each make in order to touch the earth more lightly. At the age of 11, she wrote a passionate English essay about the practice of animal testing in the cosmetics industry, as part of a school assignment - and as an adult, has strived to encourage her 3 children to become compassionate, thinking young adults who care for both others around them and the world in which they live.

Virginia has been vegan for more than 2 years, after attending a talk by Phillip Wollen (OAM) when all the lightbulbs suddenly went on! Here was a way to live that touched the earth more lightly, didn't involve harm to animals, and opened the door to a much more healthy lifestyle. 


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