5 delicious (vegan) banana recipes from around the web #4

It's hard to resist even just one little spoonful of a vegan banana split, when it looks this good. Recipe via the minimalist baker here


Bananas, bananas, bananas....

Because we have been looking at the potential of fabric made from banana fibres this week, it's only natural that our thoughts have turned to eating some of this delicious fruit too. 

From the classic banana split and banana bread, through to frozen banana pops & a savoury plantain (which is a variety of very starchy, large banana) chip, these are all dairy free and egg free - and look delicious! 

By Virginia

As the "mother" half of the Future King & Queen mother-daughter duo, Virginia is a Melbourne based designer who firmly believes that living kindly is a series of daily choices that we can each make in order to touch the earth more lightly. At the age of 11, she wrote a passionate English essay about the practice of animal testing in the cosmetics industry, as part of a school assignment - and as an adult, has strived to encourage her 3 children to become compassionate, thinking young adults who care for both others around them and the world in which they live.

Virginia has been vegan for more than 2 years, after attending a talk by Phillip Wollen (OAM) when all the lightbulbs suddenly went on! Here was a way to live that touched the earth more lightly, didn't involve harm to animals, and opened the door to a much more healthy lifestyle. 


6 vegan running shoes for women


Sustainable Fashion Designers Spotlight: Ditta and Abaća (banana fiber) silk