thank you : the Australian Army vet team helping treat injured koalas on Kangaroo Island


So wonderful to know that our Australian Army is out in the field helping injured wildlife, as well as people, affected by the horrendous bushfires.

In this heart-warming video, Captain Garnett Hall explains how the Australian Army vet team is helping to treat and care for the many injured native wild animals on Kangaroo Island.


More than 110 Army Reservists are working with local authorities to provide assistance to community recovery efforts on Kangaroo Island. Army trucks have bee...


What a stellar act of kindness, and thank you to all at the ADF who are working tirelessly in this time of need.

Video courtesy Australian Defence Force.

Still image, Australian Army veterinarian Captain Garnett Hall (Left) and Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park owner Dana Mitchell (Right) bandage one of many burnt koala being treated at the park during OP Bushfire Assist. Image courtesy Australian Defence Force.